21 August 2024 — Week 7, Term 3
Welcome from the Principal

Dear Families
If you are anything like me, I can’t wait for the end of winter. It must be the North Queenslander coming out in me. As you would probably know, the first day of September is known as Wattle Day. Some of the early wattles and blossoms have been flowering, and their scent is in the air. For me, the scent of jasmine signifies the beginning of spring. The birds also appear to be more active and the days are lengthening. It is a wonderful time of the year.
Spring also signifies the imminent arrival of Father’s Day. We look forward to Talgai (under the guidance of Mrs Hentschel and Mrs Johnson) who will facilitate the school's Father's Day Liturgy on Thursday 30 August commencing at 9:30am in the St Patrick's Church. Plenty of Kleenex will certainly be on hand. In another change to our normal routine, there will be no morning tea after our Father's Day Celebration. As an alternative, the school, in conjunction with the St Patrick's P&F, are holding a Father's Day BBQ on Friday 6 September commencing at 5:00pm. Our aim with this event is to provide a low key end to the week where our fathers will be given an opportunity to spend some valuable time with their children in the sporting arena. Cricket, netball or touch football will be on offer. Or just have a conversation on the playground. We look forward to this social event with much anticipation. We are also pleased to announce that the Father's Day Stall has been resurrected for 2024. Students will be given an opportunity to purchase a gift for the favourite males in their lives. Gifts will range from $2 to $5. Further details will be provided in the reminders for Week 8. As always, I thank the St Patrick's P&F for their continued support of the Father's Day Stall.
As a father myself, I am continually reminded of how special it is to be a Dad. While it is not easy at times, it is truly wonderful to watch your children grow into compassionate and confident human beings. I will also take time to reflect on my own late father and the massive impact he had on not only my life, but the lives of my wife and children. As I write this article, my youngest child, Watson, turns 23 today. I remember his birth so vividly as it coincided with my first day of lectures as an education student at the University of Southern Queensland. The following poem by Rudyard Kipling typifies the importance of what a father means to me and has been shared regularly with Watson over the years. Please enjoy.
IF – Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) |
IF you can keep your head when all about you If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; If you can make one heap of all your winnings If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, |
Keith Blaikie—Principal

Congratulations Matt Denny - Bronze Medalist
Congratulations Matt Denny on your wonderful success in Paris. As a school community, we are so proud of you and your success. Above all else, it is your humility and integrity that sets you apart from your athletic peers. Your unwavering commitment to your family and recognition of Allora speaks volumes of your character. We hope to see you back in Allora and at St Patrick's School in the not too distant future. Roll on 2025 when we can continue to develop the next crop of super athletes from St Patrick's School.

Child Protection Week - 2 to 6 September
The theme for Child Protection Week this year is “Every Conversation Matters.” As parents and carers, conversations between you and your children are vital – you are the most important people in your child’s life to advocate for them, listen to them, and share messages of safety and support.
This year during Child Protection Week we encourage parents and carers to speak with their children about their understanding of safety and their support networks. The National Office of Child Safety launched its “One Talk at a Time” campaign earlier in the year. Alongside this campaign, they released a list of resources about how to have a conversation with your children and young people about safety. You can access these resources here. During Child Protection Week our students will engage in a number of activities to reinforce safety messages for primary school students. Students will be provided with two activities to complete in class time including; a 'My Safe People' activity and a Child Protection themed Paper Chatterbox.
Should any student be concerned about how they are being treated by an adult, or another child or young person, they are encouraged to speak up to a trusted staff member or one of our School Student Protection Contacts (SSPCs). All students were reminded who our SSPCs are, and that they are depicted on the ‘Keeping Safe’ posters located around the school. Child Protection really is everyone’s business, and we are committed to making our school a safe, secure, and protected place of learning for every student.
Teaching and Learning
NAPLAN - 2024
By now, all parents with children in either Year 3 or Year 5 would have received their NAPLAN results from assessments undertaken earlier in the year. Staff under the guidance of the school's Middle Leader Miss Preston, have analysed and discussed the results. The overall message from the data revealed positive growth across both year levels. In regard to our Year 3 students, there remains an ongoing opportunity to develop and refine their digital literacy skills which will provide greater impact in the years to follow. Both numeracy and spelling are areas that will require greater input in the year to come and will definitely be a focus in the school's 2025 Annual Action Plan.
With this in mind, at the end of Term 3, all students from Prep to Year 6 will undertake annual PAT testing. PAT assessments measure what students know and understand in numeracy and literacy. These results also monitor student's progress over time. Students will complete PAT testing in numeracy, reading, vocabulary and spelling. The results will be analysed by staff in Term 4 and any areas of concern will be identified before the conclusion of the school year.

Children’s Book Week – 17 to 23 August
Children's Book Week has kicked off with style this week. What a way to start the week with our annual Book Week Parade. It was wonderful to observe the many costumes that adorned our students. Harry Potter characters certainly dominated the costumes and were ably supported by an eclectic mix of rodeo clowns, farmers, minions and fairies. Mr Gaggi needs to be congratulated for his masterful interpretation of Peter Pan and for leading the teachers down the catwalk. We also need to thank the many parents who have supported the school's Book Fair over the course of the week. Whilst the children will benefit from some new books, the school's library will also benefit from receiving some well deserved funds raised from the amount of books sold. It was also fantastic to welcome our friends from Headstart who thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Reading is such a simple pleasure, even for adults!
Book Week Parade 2024

St Patrick's Playgroup - Book Week

St Mary of the Cross Mackillop Feast Day
As part of our feast day celebrations on Tuesday 13 August, one activity students completed was the 'Amazing Race' which required students to search for answers related to the history of St Patrick's School. It was loosely based on the TV show of the same name. Please ask your children the following questions. These questions are guaranteed conversation starters:
- Father James Horan (parish priest) was born in which country?
- How did O'Callaghan's Hall arrive on school land?
- Who painted 'When the Sisters came to Town' which is located near the library?
Other activities students completed to celebrate St Mary of the Cross Mackillop Feast Day included a Mary Mackillop collage, meditative walk and exploration of Mary Mackillop prayers. It was a wonderful day.
Reflection - Mahailia W (Year 5)
On the 13th of August, we celebrated the feast day of Mary MacKillop, even though actual day was the 8th of August. We went around in rotations with the grade six students leading it. Mr Blaikie came up with the great idea of going on a treasure hunt around the school. By the end of the day, we ended up with a beautiful collage of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. As she says, "No duty is too little to be done well." We hope that everyone enjoyed it.
Did you know that Mary MacKillop was kicked out of the church because the Bishop was jealous of her work? We celebrate Mary MacKillop’s feast day as a school because she made learning accessible for everyone in our country. We are vey grateful to have her as a role model.

Upcoming events - July
- Wednesday 21 August - (postponed) St Patrick's P&F Meeting commencing at 6:00pm in the library
- Thursday 29 August - Father's Day Liturgy with student awards commencing at 9:30am in the Church. All are welcome to attend!
- Thursday 29 August - School Advisory Council (Board) Meeting commencing at 6:00pm in the library
- Friday 30 August - PUPIL FREE DAY (School closed) Staff to attend professional development in Inglewood
- Saturday 31 August - P&F Care and Concern home visits from 9:00am to 11:00am
- Monday 2 September to Friday 6 September - Queensland Child Protection Week
- Tuesday 3 September - Biggest online Child Safety Lesson
- Wednesday 4 September - St Patrick's Playgroup from 9:00am until 10:30am
- Wednesday 4 September - Newsletter
- Friday 6 September - Father's Day BBQ from 5:00pm (Enjoy a game of cricket, netball or touch football)
- Wednesday 11 September - Prep 2025 Transition day # 1 from 9:00am until 11:00am
- Wednesday 11 September - St Patrick's P&F Meeting commencing at 6:00pm in the library
- Friday 13 September - Term 4 concludes at 2:55pm
See the Sentral calendar for more information.
Uniform Days
Summer Uniform - commences Monday 2 September
Formal - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Sports - Wednesday, Friday
Please remember that we are a...
‘Nut Aware’ School.
Times for Mass at St Patrick's Church are as follows:
1st Sunday - 9am 2nd and 3rd Sunday – 5.30pm
4th & 5th Sunday Liturgy of the Word with Communion - 9am