2 October 2024 — Week 1, Term 4
Welcome from the Principal
Dear Families
Welcome back to the start of Term 4. As we all draw our collective breath before the start of another busy term, we hope the holidays provided your family with a plethora of opportunities to spend quality time together.
It was extremely positive to witness the many families who attended the St Patrick’s P&F Father’s Day BBQ at the end of Term 4. These events are extremely important in fostering a positive relationship between the school and home. Whilst the sprinklers provided much entertainment it was such a great night just to slow down and enjoy the beautiful sunset. It was wonderful to observe many fathers who took the opportunity to play some cricket or ball games with their children. An open and respectful relationship between home and school is crucial to the academic and social development of our students. As our vision statement suggests, we are an inclusive community committed to high levels of learning for all.
In terms of staffing, preparations are well underway for the 2025 academic year. Mrs Hentschel’s 12 month position together with a day’s relief for Ms Preston (Middle leader duties) have been advertised. The school will maintain the current structure of four classes but their makeup, particularly in the early years, cannot be confirmed until midway through Term 4. Once the recruitment process has been finalised and enrolments for Prep 2025 have settled, we intend to facilitate an Early Years (Prep to Year 2 - 2025) Information Session for parents to outline the school’s plan for 2025. A date will be provided as soon as possible.
To assist with planning for 2025, the school would appreciate a courtesy email if you intend to leave St Patrick’s at the end of 2024 and your child is not in Year 6. The school also requires details of the next school your child will attend.
Whilst the whirlwind nature of Term 4 looms like a summer cyclone on the horizon, there is much to celebrate. Another cohort of Year 6 students and their ever-supportive parents will leave the safety of St Patrick’s as they embark upon the next stage of their educational journey at secondary school. Observing the holistic growth of our students in Prep to Year 5 is also another wonder to behold. As always, we need to remember what a gift it is to be an educator.
Keith Blaikie—Principal
General Information
HELP!! St Patrick’s Parish and School Fete – Friday 18 October 2024
Preparations for the annual St Patrick’s Parish and School Fete are well underway. The goal for our fundraising efforts (Golf Day & Fete) is to replace the Gala Day Uniforms and start saving to cover the new handball courts. To achieve this, we need your help. We are again receiving 50% of the profits for our extra efforts so let’s make it count!!
Parent Helper Link - https://forms.office.com/r/YAVGww5im5
How can I help now?
1. Art Union Tickets
Make sure to bring your tickets in. SELL, SELL, SELL!! Please see the office if you require more tickets.
2. Bottle Stall Bottles
Please start bringing these in at the start of Term 4
Fete Bottle Stall Competition — One of the biggest stalls of our Fete is the Bottle Stall. What is a bottle stall you might ask? Essentially a massive Lucky Dip. Jars, bottles or plastic containers can be filled with all sorts of items and brought to school. Tickets are then purchased on the night and students/ adults with the lucky tickets will be able to claim their prize!! So, get out your old bottles, jars and small containers and fill them with goodies for the Fete bottle stall. Soft drinks are not permitted.
Not only is it an attraction on the night, but it also provides a great competition between classes as to who will get the highest amount of bottles (averaged to account for different class sizes). Thank you in advance for your generous donations.
What other information would be helpful to know now?
3. Helpers Needed
Please see the link below to the questionnaire to assist in allocating helpers for the night of the fete, especially the BBQ. We are going to separate the Soft Drink/Juice/Water from the BBQ this year to help with traffic flow through that area. A separate Soft Drink/Juice/Water stall will be setup. The Fete is unable to operate without the generosity of volunteers. Even an hour will be of great assistance.
Parent Helper Link - https://forms.office.com/r/YAVGww5im5
4. Cake Stall Baking
Plates will be sent home for the Cake Stall Baking in early Term 4. There will be a baking focus for each class.
- Talgai – Biscuits
- Cunningham – Tarts (Caramel Tart, Apple Pie, Lemon Meringue)
- Dalrymple – Cakes/ Cupcakes
- Glengallan - Tarts (Caramel Tart, Apple Pie, Lemon Meringue)
5. Working Bee
There will be a working bee on Thursday afternoon (17 Oct) to setup for the Fete and Friday (Friday 18 October) after drop-off commencing at 8:20am.
Matt Denny - 'Welcome Home Parade'
To support Matt and to acknowledge his wonderful achievements, the students and staff of St Patrick’s School Allora will join the Allora Community on Friday 4 October to welcome Matt back to Allora. The parade will commence at 2:00pm. Students from St Patrick’s School will line Warwick Street between Raff and Herbert Streets. Matt will make his way along Warwick Street and will eventually arrive at the Allora Regional Sports Museum.
Students and staff from St Patrick’s School Allora will walk down to the parade. When Matt has made his way past the St Patrick’s students, the staff and students will then return to school for normal dismissal at 2:55pm.
There will be a Q&A with Matt Denny at the free afternoon tea in the Allora Community Hall after the street parade. Families may choose to attend from 3:30pm. Well done Matt Denny!!
Catholic School Parents of Australia (CSPA) - Parent Survey
National Parent Survey
The CSPA 2024 Parent Survey on Student Wellbeing and Learning is seeking your perspective as parents/carers of children who attend a Catholic School in Australia.
You are invited to share your views on existing and emerging affirmations and/or challenges in relation to your child/children’s wellbeing and learning. Please consider completing this anonymous, confidential, and completely voluntary online survey.
More information about the study, how to participate, and how to have questions answered, can be found here. Alternatively, please check the flyer below.
Thank you for your interest.
Religious Life of the School
Socktober 2024
As October traditionally focuses on the missionary work undertaken around the world, St Patrick’s School will make a concerted effort to focus on Socktober in Term 4. Socktober engages Australian students to make a difference by raising awareness and critical funds for mission programs supporting children from disadvantaged and vulnerable backgrounds in many countries around the world. The Glengallan P.O.P (People of Purpose) committee will be the drivers of this initiative in the school and through their leadership, all students in the school will explore the fundamentals of Catholic Social Teaching. We have provided an example of the Mission Pack below for your information.
Each Mission Pack points to applicable Catholic Social Teaching that relate to the theme and the activities within. Socktober draws on Human Dignity, Solidarity, Common Good, Preferential Option for the Poor, Stewardship of Creation, and Subsidiarity among others. We look forward to a very exciting month of activities ahead, especially the crazy sock day!
Religious Education Leadership
In our ever-changing world, it is essential for us to continually reflect on how we bring our Catholic identity and mission to life within our St Patrick's School community. This reflection has led all Toowoomba Catholic Schools to collaboratively review the vital role of religious leadership.
As a result in the larger schools, the position of Assistant Principal Religious Education (APRE) has been revitalised with a new focus and title of Assistant Principal Mission and Identity (APMI).
At St Patrick's School, Mission and Identity is part of the role of the Principal in guiding Catholic pedagogy, overseeing the religious curriculum, and nurturing the religious life of our school. This work is at the very heart of everything we do. This aspect of my role as Principal is essential in ensuring that our Catholic school remains a living witness to Christ’s message as expressed in the Gospels.
In subsequent newsletters, more information will be shared about how this role brings to life and shapes our
continuing Catholic faith journey.
Upcoming events - October
- Wednesday 2 October - Newsletter
- Friday 4 October - Matt Denny 'Welcome Home Parade' commencing at 2:00pm. Q&A with Matt at a free afternoon tea in the Allora Community Hall from 3:30pm.
- Monday 7 October - King's Birthday Public Holiday (school closed)
- Friday 11 October - Whole School Assembly in the Church commencing at 2:15pm
- Saturday 12 October - St Patrick's P&F Care and Concern home visits
- Monday 14 October - St Patrick's Parish and School Fete committee meeting commencing at 6:30pm in the Parish Meeting Room.
- Wednesday 16 October - St Patrick's Playgroup from 9:00am until 10:30am
- Wednesday 16 October - Newsletter
- Friday 18 October - St Patrick's Parish Fete from 5:00pm until 10:00pm
- Tuesday 22 October to Friday 25 October - Glengallan School Camp (Sunshine Coast) with St Francis de Sale Clifton
See the Sentral calendar for more information.
Uniform Days
Summer Uniform
Formal - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Sports - Wednesday, Friday
Please remember that we are a...
‘Nut Aware’ School.
Times for Mass at St Patrick's Church are as follows:
1st Sunday - 9am 2nd and 3rd Sunday – 5.30pm
4th & 5th Sunday Liturgy of the Word with Communion - 9am