21 February 2024 — Week 5, Term 1
Welcome from the Principal
Dear Families
The busyness and intensity of Term 1 never fails to disappoint. The last two weeks has seen a significant number of events that have included both our students and parents. From a personal point of view, the Allora Show provides such a unique opportunity to showcase what we do as a school community. The St Patrick’s School show display depicted our ever-increasing diverse demographic, and that every student has a story, is such an enriching and positive aspect to our community. Witnessing the many students participating in different activities from livestock handling to old fashioned baking was another highlight. It was also wonderful to witness many parents actively involved in the many livestock competitions associated with the show which provided so much joy and excitement not only to their children but to the wider community.
Shrove Tuesday was highlighted with the inevitable mention of pancakes and the obligatory emptying of our pantries, to the receival of ashes with the parish as part of Ash Wednesday. We also had four members of Glengallan attend the Student Launch of Project Compassion in Toowoomba. Our thanks must go to Priseis, Mahailia, Lachlan and Max for representing St Patrick’s School Allora at this very special event.
Whilst numbers at our annual P&F Meet and Greet were down on previous years, it was great to see many new parents to the school attend and our thanks as always, must go to the school’s P&F Association for their willingness to facilitate such an event. This event leads into the St Patrick's P&F AGM to be held tonight - Wednesday, 21 February at 6pm in the library or via Zoom.
In other news, I would like to announce that I am taking some long service leave from Wednesday 6 March to Thursday 28 March. Miss Preston will move into the Acting Principal role on my behalf. Miss Preston will oversee Cunningham as she will continue to teach on Monday. Mrs Kirkland and Mrs Blake will support the students of Cunningham when Miss Preston is released to complete her role as Acting Principal.
Keith Blaikie—Principal
General information
Student Protection (TCSO - Safeguarding Principles)
On Wednesday 14 February both Mrs Shooter and Mr Blaikie together with Mr Byrne, attended the annual TCSO Student Protection training in Toowoomba. It is during this training that all participants receive the latest updates in regard to student protection, current Australian research into child protection and the identification of trends which may provide implications for our community into the future. Once again, the use of social media and unsupervised access to online games provide the most worrying implications for primary aged school children. Whilst some of the research is extremely alarming, and to be honest, it is quite shocking, we cannot as school community, ignore the implications for our students in a primary school setting. Some alarming research presented included:
- primary and secondary students still have access to the internet with no appropriate filters
- children as young as 8 are being exposed to pornography
- in Australia, 25.7% (16 to 25 year olds) have experienced some form of sexual abuse.
Whilst these statistics are difficult to read, they cannot be ignored. Having regular training for our School Student Protection Contacts provides the necessary skills and education to keep child protection at the forefront of what we do at St Patrick’s School.
School Student Protection Contacts
It is a legislative requirement that all non-state schools have at least two nominated staff members to whom a student can report the behaviour of another person that the student considers inappropriate. We call these specially trained staff members School Student Protection Contacts, or SSPCs. Each SSPC has been nominated by the principal in recognition of their integrity, approachability and knowledge in the area of student protection. Whilst students are encouraged to speak up to any trusted adult in the school community, it is important that they know they can access these specific staff members at any time should they have worries, queries or concerns. You will have noticed posters throughout the school depicting our current SSPCs. The SSPC’s are also published on our school website along with information about our student protection processes. In everything we do at St Patrick’s School, student safety is our highest priority, therefore the SSPCs at our school are key personnel in our overall safeguarding processes. Please see the attached poster which depicts our current SSPC team.
Realtalk Education
In another aspect to the school's child protection safeguarding principles, parents are able to access the resource Realtalk. Realtalk Education uses a personal approach that educates, equips and empowers students with the skills necessary to navigate to challenges of growing up in an ever changing society. Please scan the attached QR code as this will provide all of parents with a 12 month free subscription. Realtalk Education provides a plethora of information about safely managing the latest apps or online platforms that your children may visit together with parenting tips. It is just a wonderful resource for all parents.
Central Downs Swimming update – Katelyn P (Glengallan)
On Thursday 15 February, 14 students represented St Patrick’s School at the Central Downs Swimming trials which were held at the Allora Pool.
There were many smiles, personal best times achieved and ribbons won. We had three age champions and one runner up. They included Skye (9 years girls Age Champion), Katelyn (11 years girls Age Champion), Priseis (12 years girls Age Champion) and Leo ( 9 years boys Runner-up). On the day, St Patrick’s came home in fourth place with a total of 141 points.
Skye, Dustyn, Priseis, Mahailia and Katelyn swam fast enough to be selected to represent Central Downs at the Southern Downs trials in Warwick. Katelyn was successful in breaking the 100m freestyle record by 15 seconds.
Teaching and learning
Kids in Space – What is it?
In what can only be described as an extremely innovative and exciting program, three staff members from St Patrick’s School attended two days of professional development in Toowoomba to learn more about the STEM based program - Kids in Space. Mrs Shooter, Miss Hickey and Mrs Kirkland reported that the event was extremely worthwhile and the Kids in Space program can only enhance the learning opportunities for our students at St Patrick’s School.
Kids in Space is a sponsored space education program for each state and territory that offers industry links and real-world learning opportunities. Kids in Space is designed to encourage younger students to engage with the nation’s growing space ecosystem, introduce them to space technology and different jobs within the space industry and spark their interest in a space career.
It is hoped that St Patrick’s School's involvement in this program will attract a $6000 grant which includes the following items:
- teachers will participate in the Makers Empire Learning By Design Course with guest speakers from the space industry.
- 1 x 12 months Makers Empire School Subscription (3D design software, teacher dashboard, 130 curriculum-aligned lesson plans, built-in assessment, online professional development (PD), ongoing support, updates and maintenance).
- 1 x brand-new space-themed challenge course.
- 1 x Flashforge Adventurer 4 Pro 3D printer and 5 rolls of PLA filament.
- Print credits to Makers Empire 3D print bureau service.
St Patrick’s School acknowledges the enthusiasm and vision of Mrs Kirkland in her drive to secure access to Kids In Space.
Religious life of the school
Minute's Reflection: Lee ann Weekes (Mission and Identity)
Pope Francis has announced a Year of Prayer in 2024 and invites people to rediscover the great value and absolute need for prayer in one's personal life, the Church's life, and the world.
Australian Jesuit and author of the book Why Bother Praying?, Father Richard Leonard, recognises regular, honest, and creative prayer as a way to change and open us to God's grace. Rather than one-way communication, he describes prayer as a dialogue with God, who speaks to us through Scripture, tradition, creation and conscience. Prayer is not intended to be rote or transactional and is more than asking for what we want. Instead, it is about connection and relationship.
Our most intimate relationships are formed through communication over time. Prayer or conversations with God are not meant to get God to do what we want but rather to know God intimately to understand what we are called to do. According to Ann Rennie, the creator of prayers and reflections for Catholic educators, prayer can help us discover who we are, our purpose, and how we can grow in faith, hope, and love. Promoting a spirit of justice, compassion, and unity is possible by praying for those suffering, in need, oppressed, and even our enemies.
The Gospels show us that Jesus prayed regularly, both alone and in public; Jesus also taught his disciples how to pray, giving them the Lord's Prayer as a model. Jesus's prayer life reveals his intimate relationship with the Father, his dependence on the Holy Spirit, and how prayer can help us face life's challenges and joys, discover God's plan, and share in God's mission.
Growing in prayer is a continual process. As the season of Lent approaches, why not make it your weekly fasting challenge to give up a little time each day to pray?
Lord, thank you for this new day that you have given me. Please help me to live it in your presence and your will. Teach me to pray as you prayed and to love as you loved. Please grant me the grace to be faithful, humble, and generous in my service to you and others. Amen.
Upcoming events - February/ March
- Wednesday 21 February - St Patrick’s P&F AGM at 6:00pm in the library or via Zoom
- Friday 23 February - Tuckshop delivered to St Patrick's School at 10:45am
- Friday 23 February - Central Downs Sports Trials (Glengallan students only)
- Thursday 29 February - Glengallan Leadership Day (St Patrick's)
- Thursday 29 February - School Advisory Council (Board) meeting commencing at 6:00pm
- Friday 1 March - Whole School Assembly commencing at 2:15pm in the Church
- Friday 1 March - Central Downs Tennis Trials (Glengallan only)
- Tuesday 5 March - School Photos (Photo order envelopes to be returned to office)
- Wednesday 6 March - St Patrick's Playgroup from 9:00am to 10:30am
- Wednesday 6 March - Newsletter
- Thursday 7 March - Glengallan excursion to St Helena Island
See the Sentral calendar for more information about these events.
Uniform Days
Wednesday, Friday
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Please remember that we are a...
‘Nut Aware’ School.
Times for Mass at St Patrick's Church are as follows:
1st Sunday - 9am 2nd and 3rd Sunday – 5.30pm
4th & 5th Sunday Liturgy of the Word with Communion - 9am